I know this is a lot to throw at yas....
But I will try to type as much as I can...
This is my final project for my painting course from last semester. One of my very favorite paintings I have ever done in my life so far! It is inspired from my love of coffee, emotion, creativity, colors, and of course one of my very favorite artists Matisse.
I got an A+ and an A in the course. My prof loved me and she held this painting up in class and talked about it for about 10 mins. My other paintings are below I just dont feel like posting them individually because I am very busy.
Love me bethlehem and the steel stacks...
Pure Sin...
New bottlecap display...
thanks dad for building it for me:)
Sas show
Veona and I a few weeks back
Glass jar vial necklaces
All my paintings for college Painting 1
Funky Findingz....
It went amazing:)
I would post all the pics but it would be 50 of them and thats a lot!! So they are all on my PS fb if you would like to take a gander....
Wow for fully stacked Pure Sin display
love her
love him
New mini bottlecap earrings for pure sin
Veona the beautiful
Yep so pa weather has not been good....Been rainy nearly all summer its funny the east and west have done a swicherooskie haha. But it should be better after next monday...
Dinner the other night
Awesome cookie jar the bf got me:) He is zee best:)
And a new Pure Sin rose cameo o course;)
Dave and I went to a macy gray and jazz band concert in mid June. Twas a lovely night:)
Sleepy time...
Veona and I at the free outdoor movie day at the steel stacks with dave:)
Neat graveyard... On my way to dropping of Pure Sin inventory for this awesome store....
Looky what I passed... and actual place after my name spelled the same and all... ironically I love to cook and made chicked that day before the road trip haha. Twas a great day and lovely drive as well!!!
Too funny!
Us tree
The bro and I playn video games. Street fighter 2 to be specific. yep beat him 12/13 times:)
The mug dave created for musikfest 2013...so proud of him:)
lol I adore this...
Salad the other day...
Random pictures taken by yours truly....
flower arrangement I made for someone amazing:)
Pure Sin
Been really stepping up to the plate and making lots of new items!
Check it out please:)
Welp thats enough for tonight. One more class and I have my associates GSAA degree and have a cum 3.19 gpa. I am a busy bee and yep