
Take me as I Come or watch me as I Go

Monday, February 14, 2011

Peeee Peeee on the potty :)

Here we go cupcakes and PP lol

So here is the Valentines day baking in my special special equipment.
Well since my gma passed I have no yet baked. I have cooked but not baked. I wanted it to be with her bakeware and well taaaa daaa here it is... I have always always wanted her vintage pirex yellow and green dishes (which go for hundreds of dollars I foudn them on etsy lol) and those green measuring spoons. So Veona and I made homemade grapefruit cupcakes and oMGGGGGG they were the best I have made. I kno I kno I say that everytime but this time I mean it. Way moister tastier and just fabulous. And made with love on Vday with my daughter Veona. It does not get any better then that. Although I must say by the time i get to icing them I am sooo pooped becaues not only am I baking but doing laundry, cleaning , dishwasher and keeping Veona occupied so I never get to make them ultra pretty pretty. I also get sad since the last two years I have set aside the baking classes dates from my college that I could take for icing and fondant and such and well Its just bad timing. Uhh sigh I really wanna learn how to make them super amazing looking. I got sooo many ideas you have no idea.

I also had a great dinner at my gmas house with my dad and daughter. We had steaks lamb cops(my fav) and I made a rockin salad and pototoe chunks with green beans and garlic sauce. Grr I forgot my camera but boy was that dinner DELICIOUS. Ha and it beats going out waiting hours in line and for your food and paying a whollle truck load. womp womp womp sucks for all of you that did that ;)
Any who those two snacks are MY FAV thing now. The yogurt pretzel 100 calorie packs and the greek yogurt OMG did u know the yogurt has 14g of PROTEIN and no fat. Thats more protein that and egg, peanut butter, or tunafish. Dudddde way cool. So yeah since I have been sick I have lost about 5lbs and deicided to diet againkinda. Im down like 7 pounds I think :)
A little taste of what we do together on a daily basis but add coloring, reading, walks, clay, painting, more art, a bit of tv, video games, games and cooking, eating, la la la la la.

sorry its sooo
well soo Pee lol I know its vulgar but ya know what I am a proud mommy who wants to show it and document it all. Yes she is my first lil baby and I do it all lol. Well also I wanted to say it was the best gift for Valentines day ever. I will never forget it. These are the things that I do not take for granite. I am so greatful to be a stay at home mother/student/business owner because I do not miss these things but yet inforce them happily :) It is the best feeling in the WORLD. Boy am I proud. Well she did it last night the 13th lol at 8pmish. Gosh I am ecstatic and staying positive that it will just get better. Today no PP :( but we tried. She is just the best. And the picture above is her new dress new stalkings and new shoes from striderite :) My little Veona

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