
Take me as I Come or watch me as I Go

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My new sign I got :)  Custom made from Kims Kountry Kreations.  She is a doll and so very talented.  Another great artist  I met from my show.
An outside day... Well Sunday was so tiring due to recovery from Dorney and Homework day.  Sigh great...  Good grief

 Indeed here they are heads up about to be covered with good soil and some water.

It is fall now officially.  It is between 62-70 last week and until about nov-dec about here in PA.

New crafts, areas, and so fourth.  So excuse the huge mess but well this is a taste of what it Really looks like now haha.and yes I find room to create in the mess guys.
 The new skeleton hand clip.  Since sadly they are not making the other ones I searched and searched for a replacement and this is the best I could find.  I am alittle skeptic since they are heavy and a bit too big butttt its better then nothing eh?
 Top side :)
More earrings being made
New imperative things!!!

Ah haaaaaaaaaa.
A new good kitchen Aid coffee maker. OMG sooooo important to me.  A good cup of coffee is key people.  It works like a charm and is making yummy coffee.
 So I am not a fan of Bath and Body works. However, halloween stuff omfg you got me.  I loved this soap so Veona and I decided to get that 5$$$ guys.  Oh and 2 for 5 with the mini halloween candles and 2 bathroom soaps which were halloween awesomeness at its best.  I am soo happy to display them in our new home and for the parade.

Oh and how could we not stop at hallmark.  Gosh I love that store.  Coffee mugs, hello kitty, halloween stuff, wine charms, nick nacks omg.  So we got here a little hello kitty she picked, i got a wine stopper that is super rad ( halloween o course) and a halloween book to read to my little monster.
 A new orange light for a new outside porch light and mailbox!!! Cant wait to show you guys that too :)

Adios guys off to do homework and exercise ... Then clean up and off to 7 hours of class today.
OHHHH tonights dinner I made  Cant wait to eat it after class tonight.


  1. Thanks lady!! It all takes time and is sooo fun to collect of the years and days haha
