
Take me as I Come or watch me as I Go

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Productive day art wise :)

Made new pearler bead jewelry.  I made many variations of these cupcakes!! Tooooo darn cute.
I added them to my etsy with some computer earrings.  btw I am watching always sunny in philly right now an d it is HYSTERICAL more then ever. OMFG I love charlie.
 Fresh tortilini salad I made with beans, cucumber, green beans, salad dressing, and tomatoes.
 Vegetarian chilli.  19g of protein mannnn omg.  It was yummy too.
 More cuppycakes
 Bow for halloween I added
 Other colors,  I also did purple, orange, blue and so on.
 I am making my rag rugs again. Still working with thousands of old pieces of veonas baby clothing.
 Its a huge rag rug.  Never made such a large one, and I think thats why its so hard to finish and tackle.  However, I love it because it is the most special, and sentimental one.  
Goodnight Love

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